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Conflux Bite Size: Big Wins and the Bigger Decisions that Follow, with Lauren Starr

  • Emporium Creative Hub 25 Mitchell Street Bendigo, VIC, 3550 Australia (map)

Lauren Starr is photographic artist who has been steadily carving out an impressive niche for herself from her gallery at Artists on View in Bendigo.  In mid 2022 Caleb Maxwell and Reece Hendy interviewed Lauren on the Country Creatives Podcast in a wide ranging chat around how Bendigo has influenced Lauren’s art, the creative goldmine that she has found in embracing her shadow side and some great insight into how Lauren was striking a  balance between artist and day job until she was ready to make the flip to full-time.  Fast forward to 2023 and Lauren has made that flip, focussing full time on her creative future after taking out the Bluethumb Art Prize 2022 Australia’s largest Art prize.

Join Lauren as she joins Caleb and Reece for Part 2 - What Lauren did next! We’ll delve into where Lauren finds herself after significant wins, growth and changes in her creative career.  We’ll explore the strategies and thoughts she has employed to map out her next steps including Lauren’s always insightful ideas on how these opportunities and challenges are shaping her as she moves onward and upward as an outstanding Country Creative.


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